About Me

My career in health care started in emergency nursing as a registered nurse working in hospitals across America. I loved being able to help people in critical moments, but after a decade in the field I began to realize how broken our healthcare system is. We would temporarily solve problems only to have patients return again and again with no consideration of solving the root cause of their issues. I decided to shift my focus from reactive care to active empowerment. I left the hospital setting over four years ago to educate and empower individuals on how to take control of their health and heal the root causes of their issues. After years of additional training and education, I hold an emphasis on family wellness and childhood health as a GI-MAP consultant, holistic expert, and Certified Essential Oil Specialist.

What I Do

I partner with


I work with both children and adults who are looking for support and alternatives to their wellness needs. I specialize in holistic lifestyle coaching, nutrition, gut health, and detoxing.

businesses and practitioners

I provide additional wellness services to businesses and healthcare providers by offering holistic lifestyle coaching, GI-MAP consultations, and full body detox solutions. I do this by partnering with businesses to provide these services for them or educate and teach businesses how to provide these services independently.

Looking to expand the services your business provides or learn how to provide these services yourself?

 I can help you get started!

Services We Provide

  • GI mapping and food sensitivity testing
  • Nutritional counseling
  • Private wellness consultations online and in-person
  • Online coaching and wellness classes
  • Public wellness classes
  • National public speaking
  • Public and private essential oil classes online and in-person
  • Whole body detox with CellCore Biosciences
Contact me today for a private wellness consult or to get plugged into my free online and local classes!

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